#my come out story#
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Many curious, why many love staying by my side , guess this answered. #my come out story#

维纶: If the flowers are in full bloom, the butterflies will naturally come🤗
trying to be the best version of yourself..
what you attract is what you get..
#Post Your Life##Post Your Life##Post Your Life#

Yoe🦁: mo kmn kmu chae?

"When the time is right, I, the Lord will make it happen". - Isaiah 60:22
Starting my Taiwan dream was a leap of faith. I went ahead with the credentialling process and from there, had to figure things out on my own. I, then tried to apply for last 2019 , but unfortunately, I was denied. To eased the pain and frustrations, I just simply told my friends, "Baka kaya ako nadeny, kasi gusto ni Lord, papasok ako ng Taiwan sa tamang panahon ". Fast forward to this year, after the ban, backlogs, travel restrictions and all, I was finally notified of a visa interview and had to undergo the same process as my working application, the only difference is that, this time, I applied for an direct company I was scared of denial, of another delay and another "No" from the consular officer, hence, I experienced stress and high pressure. I had to prepare, a lot. Anxieties were too much as I had to juggle work, interview and documents preparation,
I can't imagine how I would've done it without His providence. I am in awe of everything He has given me. He blessed me with more than I asked and dreamed of. It's true that when God said "YES", nobody can't even say "NO". Thank You Lord for the answered prayers and for Your unending grace. You made everything beautiful in Your time. All glory and honor are Yours, Father. 🙏
I also wanted to thank my prayer warriors--the whole family, , and my friends who were there with me during my ups and downs, who cried and laughed with me with each achievement and still believe in me despite my failures since I will started my journey. Thank you for your all out support and encourangement. I couldn't survived everything I've been through without you all. I may have cried a lot, you've #my come out story# seen me broke down countless times, but all the setbacks were bearable because you're there and still there. I love you guys! Thank you for fighting and dreaming with me. 🥰 This success is yours, too! Thank You Lord for blessing me with these amazing people. 🙏
with grateful heart,
Who here wants to be my girlfriend, if not a friend, if you want to chat, that's fine too#my come out story# # #